Friday, July 26, 2013

Saving Vehicles Lifes, One Oil Change at a Time.

Changing your vehicles oil on a regular to frequent basis is one way to insure your vehicle will live a  long and healthy life.

The face remains that abrasive dirt and metal particles can get trapper in your vehicles oil system, causing clogs and sometimes permanent damage to your engine. In order to flush all the debris out of your vehicles system, and prolong your vehicles time on the road, frequent oil changes are a must.

A good rule of thumb is to frequently change your vehicles oil, that way you never have to worry about debris build up and waste.

To get your oil and filter changed by a professional, click on the following link:

By Saragh=

Friday, July 19, 2013

Hot-Weather Vehicle Preparedness Guide

During the summer months it’s easy for the temperature to increase drastically, leaving cars overheated and eager vacationers stranded. To make sure your vehicle remains cool and collected during the HOT summer months, follow these guidelines. 

  • Always check your vehicles coolant level before going on a long drive. If left unchecked you could run the risk of overheating your engine. 
  • Make sure your battery is at full strength. While the summer months don’t cause a lot of wear and tear on your vehicles battery, you still want to make sure it’s at full power before heading on a long trip.
  • Never forget to change your vehicles oil. To better be able to handle extreme heat, your engine must be properly lubricated with the right grade of clean oil. A clean filter and some fresh oil do just the trick in making sure you vehicle can handle the heat while out on the road.

Just remember fans, we are always here to help. From topping off coolant to changing your vehicles oil and filter, we will be sure you and your vehicle are ready for the open road. To schedule a service appointment today, click on the following link: