Friday, August 2, 2013

The Rise & Demise of the Toyota Supra

While some sports cars vanish into the abyss of time, many remain in the hearts of loyal fans for years after they become discontinued. The Toyota Supra is one of those beloved vehicles, that will remain in the hearts of Toyota fans for generations. Introduced in 1978 as a wider, longer second-generation Celica coupé it soon grew out of its luxury grand tourer class. Evolving over the years until, in 1993, the Toyota Mk4 Supra was unveiled. The Mk4 wasn't a simple coupe but a sports car that would become a racing legend. Unfortunately, the cost to produce newer generations of the Supra became too much, and in 2002 the legendary vehicle was took off of the production room floor.  While the Supra isn't being produced anymore, it still remains one of the best race cars available.

To view our pre-owned inventory, click on the following link:

Maybe we'll get a Supra in stock!

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