Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to Make Oreo Melting Snowman Cookie balls

While playing in the snow is fun, bringing the frosty fun inside can be a warm delight. Enjoy the process of making a snowman indoors this year, with this delicious treat. These snowmen cookie balls may look like they're melting, but they are sure to give you the chills after a bite.


  • 24 Winter OREO Cookies
  • 3 Tablespoons Cream Cheese, Softened
  • 9 Ounces White Chocolate, Melted
  • Assorted Colored Decorating Gels


  1. Start by melting the 9 ounces of white chocolate by placing the chocolate in microwave safe bowl on high for 2 minutes or until completely melted, while stirring every 30 seconds.
  2. Next, crush 9 cookies finely and mix with cream cheese until blended. Once evenly mixed, shape the mixture into 15 balls.
  3. Place remaining cookies on waxed paper-covered baking sheet. 
  4. Dip the 15 balls in the melted white chocolate and place on top of the OREO cookies. Tap cookies on baking sheet several times to allow excess chocolate to pool onto tops of cookies. 
  5. Once finished, decorate with gels to resemble a snowmen and then refrigerate for 1 hour or until firm.

***Recipe courtesy of 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Star 99.1 Comes to Toyota of Morristown

Fans, don't miss out on the chance to meet some of Star 99.1's DJs on December 20th. The DJ's will be visiting Toyota of Morristown on December 20th from 12:00pm-2:00pm to do Christmas blessings. Not only will they be giving Christmas blessings but they will also be collecting gifts for the needy children, and raffling off concert tickets! So, be sure not to miss out on all the fun and win some concert tickets!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Santa Claus Comes to New York

While the legend of Santa Claus dates back to 280 A.D. he didn't make his first appearance in the states until the end of the 18th century. Known by many as St. Nicholas the first dated mention of his named appeared in a New York newspaper, which has reported on a group of Dutch families that had gathered to honor the anniversary of his death. The name Satan Claus, actually originated from the dutch nickname for St. Nicholas, Sinter Klass. In 1804, a member of the New York Historical Society, John Pintard, passed out wooden engravings of St. Nicholas during a society meeting. The engraving featured the image we know today of Santa Claus filling stockings with toys. The legend grew, when Washington Irving referred to St. Nicholas as the patron saint of New York in his book, The History of New York, in 1809. While the legend continued to grow, one fact is certain- Santa Claus has become a world renowned figure of Christmas.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Toyota of Morristown Gives Back to the Community: Food Donations & Toy Donations

This holiday season give back to those less fortunate than yourselves by donating non-perishable food to the Community Food Banks of Somerset and Morris Counties for the holidays. Toyota of Morristown has set up a donation boxes and would love to see them get filled up! 

We have also partnered with Urban Impact, to collect Christmas and Hanukah presents for families who cannot afford to buy them for their children! We have plenty of wish lists from kids in the county who could use some holiday cheer! All donations will be picked up on December 12th! 

Help us spread some holiday cheer and give back to those in need!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Toyota's Logo: The Original Design

Founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda, Toyota's first production vehicle to feature the original logo was the model AA. But, Toyota wasn't always named Toyota, back in the beginning of its automotive empire, Toyota was originally named Toyoda after the founder's family name. It's emblem wasn't the three ellipses version that is world renowned, but the founder's family name written in Japanese characters inside a circle. The emblem was chosen from a public design competition our of more than 200 entries. This logo was remained until a new design competition in the 1980's changed the logo into the version we know and love today.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fall Car Maintenance Tip: Listen to your Brakes.

Checking your vehicles brakes should be more than routine, especially during winter. Pay attention when braking to make sure they aren't making any strange noises, such as scraping or grinding, or that the brake pedal doesn't feel spongy or soft when depressed. If either of those issues arise, it van make braking difficult and driving dangerous. 

If your vehicles brake pedal feels spongy or soft it could mean that there is too much air in the brake line and can easily be remedied by bleeding the brakes yourself.

On the other hand, if you hear your brakes making a grinding noise or scarping sound, it could mean that there is some kind of foreign object stuck in them or that the wear indicator is rubbing against the rotor. If you hear any noise that usually means the friction material on your brakes has worn off and the only thing stopping your car is the metal backing plate. If let unchecked, it could damage critical parts of your brakes and make it difficult to stop.  

Before winter hits, if you're experiencing any of the aforementioned issues, be sure to stop by our certified service center and have one of our technicians check your vehicles brakes for you. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Haunted Highways: Clinton Road in West Milford, New Jersey

The town of West Milford, New Jersey appears to be your typical American town. People live, work, go to school; live their day-to-day lives without any interruption. Except, for one; Clinton Road in West Milford. This desolate stretch of dark highway, encased in thick forest, is home to a dark, bloody history.  The ten-mile stretch of road wont just chill you to the bone, but make you question what you see. With reports of ghosts, phantom vehicles, and strange creatures being seen on or beside the road, one only knows what could happen. While the eyewitnesses to these ghostly tales are few and fare between, would you be willing to take a late night drive to prove them wrong?

Friday, October 18, 2013

How to Make Wicked Witch Stuffed Potatoes

For a delicious treat that screams Halloween, try these rich and cheesy potatoes. Not only will they cast a spell on you, but they could scare up some undead visitors


  • 2 large baked potatoes
  • 1/4 cup of milk
  • 3 ounces swiss cheese, shredded.
  • 4 grape tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 8 slices of ripe olives
  • 4 small Serrano peppers
  • 4 green pepper strips
  • 4 blue corn chips.


  1. Scrub and pierce potatoes. Bake at 375° for 1 hour or until tender.
  2. When potatoes are cool enough to handle, cut in half lengthwise. Scoop out pulp, leaving a thin shell. In a small bowl, mash the pulp. Stir in 1/2 cup cheese, milk, butter and salt. Spoon into potato shells. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
  3. Place on a baking sheet. Bake at 375° for 5-10 minutes or until cheese is melted.
  4. Using the tomato halves, olive slices, serrano peppers and pepper strips, create a face on each potato half. Add corn chip hats. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Don't "Fall" Behind in Your Vehilces Maintenance

Preventative maintenance on your vehicle can you time and money when the seasons begin to change. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer it is important to prepare for the changes in the weather. To keep cash in your pocket it is pertinent to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle before the seasons begin to change. Seasonal car care planning and preventative maintenance can save you money and time as the weather changes. Follow these simple maintenance tips for early fall to keep your vehicle running smoothly all the way to winter.

1. Check Fluids: Your vehicles fluids are it's life blood, which means keeping them topped off  and up-to-date is crucial to the health of your vehicle. In order to keep your vehicle running smoothly, be sure to top off your vehicles brake fluid, power steering fluid, coolant, and be sure to change your vehicle oil if it starts to get old and corroded. 

2. Brake-Check: If fluids are you vehicles life blood then brakes would be its immune system, protecting it from damage and keeping it safe. In order to prevent your brakes from failing, be sure to have your vehicles brake pads and rotors checked according to what it says in your vehicles owner manual. Without brake checks, you could potential damage your vehicles rotors and pads, which will not only cost you more money but could generate serious problems with your vehicle in the future.

So remember, before you "Fall" behind, be sure to check the aforementioned items of your proverbial to-do list. Your car will thank you for it in the long run.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Halloween Safety Tips: Costume 101

It's that time of year again fans- Halloween! While Halloween is a time to dress up and eat tons of candy, it can also be a time where parents relax the rules. While letting your kids dress up in costumes may seem harmless, there are a few rules to keep in mind for the little ones to prevent injury.

  • Make sure the costume fits correctly. If the costume is to long or large it could cause your child to trip and fall.
  • Try to decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers to improve the childs viability to passerby.  
  • If you child insists on wearing a face make-up or paint, make sure it's non-toxic and will not cause an allergic reaction. 
  • Make sure your child has a flashlight or glow-stick to make them more visible to drivers while walking the neighborhood streets. 

If you follow these steps you should reduce your child's risk of injury for a fun and uneventful Halloween night.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Hammer for Habitat for Humanity

This Saturday, September 28th come out and support Morristowns Habitat for Humanity during its first Annual Hammer for Habitat event! Starting at 9:00am and going until noon, this fun event is perfect for all ages and allows families or individuals to help raise funds to build future homes. With food, music and a crafts station where participants can decorate a 2x4 stud, this even is sure to be a hit.

Event: Hammer for Habita
Date: Saturday, September 28th
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Location: South Salem Street, Randolph, NJ

For more information please visit the following link: 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Morristown Farmers Market- Fresh Produce and Products Available every Sunday.

Every Sunday, now until the end of November, there will be a Farmers Market gracing the streets of Morristown from 8:30-2:00pm. Featuring a plethora of fresh produce and poultry, this weekly event allows citizens of Morristown to explore nature’s bountiful goodies within the confines of their own community. Located on Spring and Morris Street, this event features an array of locally grown products including, grass fed meats, organic fruits and vegetables, and even locally made honey, candles and soaps. Don't miss out on a chance to try some new local products and produce, drive your Toyota over to the Morristown Farmers Market this Sunday, you'll be glad you did!

For more information visit the Morristown website here: 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Toyota to Sell Hot Pink Crown

In an attempt to rid itself of its conservative image, Toyota announced it will be selling a hot pink version of its 2014 Crown. While this may seem like a bold move, the edgier design of the fourteenth-generation Elect fuchsia Crown could be just what Toyota needs to step up its game. While many have said Toyota's bold move may be a bit over the top, we think it's a step in the right direction. Besides, what woman could say no to a hot pink car?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

America's Greatest Drives: Blue Ridge Parkway

Looking to take your family on a mountainous adventure this summer? If so, then taking a drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway will be the perfect family road trip. Running 469 miles along the famous Blue Ridge Mountains, this scenic drive will take you through part of the Appalachian Mountains and the Cherokee Indian Reservation. Not only is this drive known for its beautiful scenery, but it has become known as "America's Favorite Drive" for being the most traveled road in the National Park System. So if your looking to travel some mountainous terrain with the family, be sure to take a ride along Blue Ridge Parkway.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Rise & Demise of the Toyota Supra

While some sports cars vanish into the abyss of time, many remain in the hearts of loyal fans for years after they become discontinued. The Toyota Supra is one of those beloved vehicles, that will remain in the hearts of Toyota fans for generations. Introduced in 1978 as a wider, longer second-generation Celica coupé it soon grew out of its luxury grand tourer class. Evolving over the years until, in 1993, the Toyota Mk4 Supra was unveiled. The Mk4 wasn't a simple coupe but a sports car that would become a racing legend. Unfortunately, the cost to produce newer generations of the Supra became too much, and in 2002 the legendary vehicle was took off of the production room floor.  While the Supra isn't being produced anymore, it still remains one of the best race cars available.

To view our pre-owned inventory, click on the following link:

Maybe we'll get a Supra in stock!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Saving Vehicles Lifes, One Oil Change at a Time.

Changing your vehicles oil on a regular to frequent basis is one way to insure your vehicle will live a  long and healthy life.

The face remains that abrasive dirt and metal particles can get trapper in your vehicles oil system, causing clogs and sometimes permanent damage to your engine. In order to flush all the debris out of your vehicles system, and prolong your vehicles time on the road, frequent oil changes are a must.

A good rule of thumb is to frequently change your vehicles oil, that way you never have to worry about debris build up and waste.

To get your oil and filter changed by a professional, click on the following link:

By Saragh=

Friday, July 19, 2013

Hot-Weather Vehicle Preparedness Guide

During the summer months it’s easy for the temperature to increase drastically, leaving cars overheated and eager vacationers stranded. To make sure your vehicle remains cool and collected during the HOT summer months, follow these guidelines. 

  • Always check your vehicles coolant level before going on a long drive. If left unchecked you could run the risk of overheating your engine. 
  • Make sure your battery is at full strength. While the summer months don’t cause a lot of wear and tear on your vehicles battery, you still want to make sure it’s at full power before heading on a long trip.
  • Never forget to change your vehicles oil. To better be able to handle extreme heat, your engine must be properly lubricated with the right grade of clean oil. A clean filter and some fresh oil do just the trick in making sure you vehicle can handle the heat while out on the road.

Just remember fans, we are always here to help. From topping off coolant to changing your vehicles oil and filter, we will be sure you and your vehicle are ready for the open road. To schedule a service appointment today, click on the following link: